Co-authored with John Mark Yeats. Better Together: You, Your Church, and the Cooperative Program. (Rainer Publishing, 2019).
Cooperation -- As kids, we all learned the importance of working together. As adults, we discovered how cooperation can literally change lives. What would happen if your church increased its efforts to make a difference around the world for the Gospel? What if your congregation cooperated with other churches to multiply our capabilities to reach the lost for Christ? Better Together: You, Your Church, and the Cooperative Program is a compelling introduction to the cooperative work of Southern Baptists. Designed as a resource for group or individual study, you can discover why Southern Baptists are passionate about working together to change the world! |
"The Revival of 1800 on the American Frontier." A History of Evangelism in North America. (Edited by Thomas P. Johnston, Kregel Academic, 2021).
A History of Evangelism in North America guides readers on a tour through circuit riders and tent meetings to campus evangelism and online ministries. Academic research combines with gospel faithfulness and love for the lost in this historical survey. Encountering these prominent evangelism movements will inspire innovation and courage in the call to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. |
Edited with Chadwick Thornhill, Divine Impassibility: Four Views of God's Emotions and Suffering (InterVarsity Press, 2019).
How should we interpret passages of Scripture that seem to support one view or the other? And where does the incarnation and Christ's suffering on the cross fit into this? This Spectrum Multiview volume brings together four theologians with decidedly different answers to these questions. The contributors make a case for their own view—ranging from a traditional affirmation of divine impassibility (the idea that God does not suffer) to the position that God is necessarily and intimately affected by creation—and then each contributor responds to the others' views. |
Chapter co-authored with John Mark Yeats. "How the Cooperative Program Empowers Churches to Gospel Ministry". SBC and the 21st Century (Edited by Jason K. Allen, revised edition, B&H Academic, 2019)
The Southern Baptist Convention is currently facing issues that challenge its identity, heritage, and future. This volume not only promotes meaningful dialogue, it calls leaders throughout the SBC into action. Extensive thought, research, assessment, and wisdom from some of the SBC’s brightest minds have been poured into this volume with the intent of rendering a helpful contribution to SBC life that will propel forward the collective work of Southern Baptists well into the 21st century. |
Chapter co-authored with Jerry Sutton. “B.H. Carroll: Preaching Saturated with Scripture”.
A Legacy of Preaching: Historical and Theological Introductions, Vol 2 (edited by Benjamin Forrest, Zondervan, 2018) This series explores the history and development of preaching through a biographical and theological examination of its most important preachers. Instead of teaching the history of preaching from the perspective of movements and eras, each contributor tells the story of a particular preacher in history, allowing these preachers from the past to come alive and instruct us through their lives, theologies, and methods of preaching. |
Forthcoming Books: |
Kerux Commentaries: Jonah, Micah, Nehum, and Habakkuk. Co-authored with Dr. Russell L. Meek (Kregel)
Deep and Wide: The Role of Baptism in Child Discipleship (Randall House Academic) |
Review of Who is the Holy Spirit? Biblical Insights into His Divine Person, by Malcolm B. Yarnell III. Southwestern Journal of Theology 62, no. 2 (2020), 127-131.
Malcolm Yarnell provides a foundational study on the person of the Holy Spirit. Surveying “six grand vistas of Biblical revelation” (p. 1), Yarnell equips pastors and Bible teachers to worship the Spirit for who he is. In so doing, Yarnell not only equips pastors and teachers to worship the One who gives life, but also prepares them to equip churches for the same. |
“Early Southern Baptist Views on the Baptism of Children.” D6 Family Ministry Journal (2017).
This article offers a new line of examination into the views of early Southern Baptists regarding child baptismal practices. Specifically, it offers an examination of the written views of early Southern Baptists regarding the possibility of child conversion and the appropriateness of child baptism. In so doing, it will establish that despite claims of novelty, many early Southern Baptists were actually open to the baptism of children. .pdf download |
"The Cognitive Ability of Children and Southern Baptist Baptismal Restrictions." Southwestern Journal of Theology (Fall, 2018).
In the latter half of the last century, Southern Baptists developed a heightened interest in their own evangelistic and baptismal practices as related to children. As part of the resulting discussions, several Southern Baptists scholars argued that the Bible presented an at best inconclusive picture as to the appropriateness of child evangelistic and initiatory practices. As a result, numerous Southern Baptist scholars turned to psychology and its corresponding insights on child development to ascertain when children can cognitively grasp the specific elements required for conversion and are then in turn ready for baptism and initiation into the faith community. Through their study of child development, many Southern Baptist scholars concluded that children were cognitively incapable of being converted. Such contributed to a growing backlash against child baptisms in Southern Baptists churches. This paper examines the assertions of many Southern Baptists regarding the cognitive abilities of children. After surveying these cognitive objections to the conversion of children, it offers a series of cognitive-developmental, faith-developmental, and statistical rejoinders to these objections. It then closes by offering a series of criteria for evaluating childhood conversions based on these rejoinders. .pdf download |
"The (Im)passibility of God and Christian Prayer." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Virtual Conference. November, 2020.
"Preaching Christ Through Scripture: How Barth's Homiletic Necessitates Scripture as Objective Revelation." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, San Diego, California, November, 2019.
"Why Spirit Baptism Demands Contemporaneous Water Baptist for Credo Baptism." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Denver, Colorado, November, 2018.
“Baptists, Children, and Regenerate Church Membership.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, San Antonio, Texas, November, 2016.
“The History of Southern Baptist views on the Baptism of Children.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Atlanta, Georgia, November, 2015